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The process for utilizing Forge API with Azure, S3, or other storage systems involves the following steps:

  1. Create an account and obtain API credentials for your storage system of choice (Azure, S3, etc.).

  2. Set up your storage system to allow access from the Forge API.

  3. Use the Forge API to authenticate and authorize access to your storage system. This typically involves using OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization flows.

  4. Integrate the Forge API with your application or workflow to enable seamless access to your storage system. This may involve using the Forge API to upload, download, or manipulate files stored in your storage system.

  5. Monitor and manage access to your storage system using the Forge API’s built-in access controls and logging features.

Overall, the process of utilizing Forge API with Azure, S3, or other storage systems requires careful planning and attention to details such as security and performance optimization. However, by following best practices and leveraging the powerful features of the Forge API, developers can create powerful applications that leverage the full potential of cloud storage systems.