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There could be several reasons why the Tailwind animate-spin animation is not functioning properly on mobile devices:

  1. Compatibility issues: The animation may not be fully compatible with certain mobile devices or browsers, leading to errors or inconsistencies.

  2. Performance limitations: Mobile devices may have limited processing power or memory, making it difficult to run complex animations smoothly.

  3. Incorrect implementation: The code for the animation may be incorrectly written or implemented, causing errors or malfunctioning on mobile devices.

  4. Browser settings: The browser settings on the mobile device may be blocking or disabling certain types of animations or scripts.

To troubleshoot the issue, try testing the animation on multiple mobile devices and browsers to determine if it is a compatibility issue. Also, check the code and implementation of the animation to ensure it is written correctly. Finally, review the browser settings on the mobile device to check if there are any settings blocking or disabling the animation.