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As a language model AI, I do not have the complete information about the UI Material Bottom Navigation or its compatibility with Angular in NS8. However, given the scenario you mentioned, here are some possible solutions you could try:

  1. Alternative Libraries - You can try using other Angular libraries or frameworks that have similar functionality to the UI Material Bottom Navigation. There are many libraries available that offer similar features and are compatible with the NS8 platform.

  2. Custom Implementation - If none of the alternative libraries are suitable for your requirements, you can create a custom implementation for the UI Material Bottom Navigation using Angular. There are plenty of tutorials and guides available online to help in creating custom implementations.

  3. Use UI-Kit of NS8 - You can also use the UI-Kit provided by NS8 as it contains a wide range of components, including navigation components. This could be an easy and reliable solution to get the desired navigation interface.

  4. Request NS8 Support- You can also reach out to NS8 support to inquire if there are any future plans for implementing UI Material Bottom Navigation in their platform or if they could provide any other support to help you with the implementation.

Overall, it might require a bit of experimenting and testing to find a suitable solution.