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Here are the steps for performing a GET request while using OAuth1 authentication:

  1. Create a URL for the endpoint you want to access and encode any query parameters.
  2. Create an OAuth1 authorization header by signing a base string that includes the request method (GET), URL, and encoded query parameters. To sign the base string, use the Consumer Key and Secret, Access Token and Secret, and the HMAC-SHA1 signature method.
  3. Add the OAuth1 authorization header to the HTTP request headers, along with the content type and any other required headers.
  4. Send the GET request to the endpoint URL, including any required query parameters.
  5. Receive and process the response from the server, using the response status code, headers, and body according to the API documentation.

Overall, the OAuth1 authentication process involves generating and signing authorization headers for each API request, using cryptographic techniques to protect against unauthorized access to user data.