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  1. Check if you have properly set up Firebase Crashlytics in your project. If not, follow the Firebase documentation to set it up.

  2. Verify that you have added the right dependencies to your Gradle file, as specified in the Firebase documentation.

  3. If the error persists, try updating the Firebase Crashlytics plugin in your project to the latest version.

  4. Check if there are any conflicting plugins installed in your project that might cause the error. Try updating or removing them.

  5. Verify that your code has no syntax errors or logical issues that could cause the error.

  6. Check if your build environment is configured correctly and your code is compatible with the latest version of Cordova.

  7. Try building the APK file on a different system and see if the error persists.

  8. If none of the above remedies the issue, contact Firebase support for further assistance.