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There are several recommended ways to send mass emails using Java Spring Email:

  1. Using SimpleMailMessage class: This is the simplest way to send mass emails using Spring Email. You can create a SimpleMailMessage object and set the recipient, subject, and body of the email using its methods.

  2. Using MimeMessagePreparator interface: This interface allows you to create a MimeMessage object, which provides more features than the SimpleMailMessage class. You can add attachments and customize the headers of the email using this interface.

  3. Using JavaMailSenderImpl class: This class provides an implementation of the JavaMail API, which is the underlying technology used by Spring Email. You can create a JavaMailSenderImpl object, configure its properties, and use its methods to send mass emails.

  4. Using Spring Email templates: Spring Email provides support for email templates, which can be used to generate dynamic content in the email body. You can create a template using the Freemarker or Velocity template engine, and use the MimeMessagePreparator interface to send the email.

Overall, the recommended way to send mass emails using Java Spring Email depends on your specific requirements and the complexity of your email. The SimpleMailMessage class is suitable for simple emails, while the JavaMailSenderImpl class and Spring Email templates provide more advanced features.