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Unfortunately, it is not possible to retrieve lost uncommitted changes using "git reset --hard". The command "git reset --hard" will reset your local repository to the last committed state, removing all uncommitted changes. Therefore, it is always recommended to make sure that all changes are committed or backed up before using this command.

If you have lost uncommitted changes, you may be able to recover them from system backups, caches, or other sources outside of Git. However, this will depend on your specific situation and may not always be possible.

To avoid losing uncommitted changes in the future, you can use the following steps:

  1. Use "git status" to see the status of your changes.

  2. Use "git add" to stage any changes you want to commit.

  3. Use "git commit" to commit your changes.

  4. Regularly use "git push" to push your changes to a remote repository or backup source.