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There can be several reasons for unexpected termination of a Console App when invoking asynchronous methods during debugging, some of which are:

  1. Unhandled exceptions: If an unhandled exception occurs during the execution of an asynchronous method, the Console App might terminate unexpectedly.

  2. Deadlock: If the asynchronous method is blocked by some synchronous operation, it can cause a deadlock, leading to the unexpected termination of the Console App.

  3. Memory issues: If the asynchronous method exhausts the available memory, it can cause the Console App to crash.

  4. Timers: If the asynchronous method sets a timer that never fires or takes too long to fire, it can cause the Console App to terminate unexpectedly.

  5. Network issues: If the asynchronous method involves network operations and the network connection is lost or disrupted, it can cause the Console App to crash.