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WSO2 allows users to invoke several APIs within a Proxy Service through the use of sequential mediation. Users can configure the Proxy Service to execute a sequence of mediation steps, where each step corresponds to an API invocation.

The sequence of steps can be defined using the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (EI) Integration Studio or by editing the Proxy Service configuration directly in the WSO2 EI Management Console. Each step can contain a set of mediation logic, such as message routing, message transformation, or custom mediation logic.

During the execution of the Proxy Service, the mediation engine invokes each step sequentially, passing the message along the sequence of steps until it reaches the end of the sequence. Each step corresponds to an API invocation, allowing users to invoke multiple APIs consecutively within the Proxy Service.

Overall, WSO2 enables users to easily implement complex integration scenarios by allowing them to define a sequence of mediation steps within a Proxy Service, each of which can correspond to an API invocation.