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One solution for managing numerous redirects to various origins in Cypress is to use the cy.request() command to make HTTP requests from the test code. This allows developers to easily assert on the response from the server and handle various types of redirects.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Use the cy.request() command to make HTTP requests to the server.

  2. Handle various types of redirects in the response object returned by the command.

  3. Use assertions to ensure that the correct response is returned by the server.


it('should redirect to a different origin', () => {
    url: '',
    followRedirect: false,
  }).then((response1) => {
      url: response1.redirectedToUrl,
      followRedirect: false,
    }).then((response2) => {
      expect(response2.body).to.contain('Page 2 content');

In this example, the test makes a request to and asserts that it gets a 302 redirect to It then makes a second request to, asserts that it gets a 200 response, and checks that the page contains the expected content.

This approach allows developers to handle various types of redirects without relying on Cypress's built-in visit() command, which can be limited in some cases. It also makes it easier to assert on the response from the server and handle different scenarios in the test code.