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There can be several reasons why the search function in PHP & MYSQL is not providing relevant results. Some of the common reasons are:

  1. Improper indexing of the database: If the database is not indexed properly, the search function may take longer to process and return irrelevant results.

  2. Incorrect search query: If the search query is not constructed correctly or if it’s not designed to look for relevant matches, the search function may return irrelevant results.

  3. Inadequate data: If the data in the database is not structured appropriately, the search function may fail to find relevant matches.

  4. Lack of filtering: If the search function does not have adequate filtering options, it may display a vast range of results, making it challenging to find the relevant ones.

  5. Inconsistent data: Inconsistently structured data can lead to inaccurate results, resulting in irrelevant search outcomes.

To resolve this problem, you can ensure proper indexing of the database, optimize the search query, have accurate and structured data, provide adequate filtering options, and improve the consistency of the data.