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initial version
  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Click on "File" in the menu bar and select "Preferences"
  3. Select "Settings"
  4. In the search bar, type "parameterHints"
  5. Under the "Editor->Parameter Hints" section, uncheck the "Enabled" box to turn off automatic parameter hints
  6. Under the same section, make note of the keyboard shortcut listed next to "Trigger Key Binding"
  7. Press "Ctrl+," to open the keyboard shortcuts menu
  8. In the search bar, type "parameter hints"
  9. Find and click on the command "Trigger Parameter Hints"
  10. Press the "+" button to create a new keyboard shortcut for this command
  11. Enter the same keyboard shortcut listed in step 6 as the new shortcut for the command
  12. Close the keyboard shortcuts menu and the Settings menu. Test out the new keyboard shortcut to manually trigger parameter hints.