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There are several conditions that could cause Wildfly to automatically undeploy an EAR:

  1. Deployment timed out: If the deployment process takes longer than the timeout period set in the configuration, Wildfly may undeploy the application.

  2. Memory issues: If Wildfly runs out of memory while deploying an application, it may undeploy the application to free up space.

  3. Resource unavailable: If a required resource, such as a database or messaging system, becomes unavailable during the deployment process, Wildfly may undeploy the application.

  4. Configuration error: If there is an error in the configuration files for the application or for Wildfly itself, it may result in the automatic undeployment of the application.

  5. Application error: If the application itself encounters an error or exception during the deployment process, Wildfly may undeploy the application to prevent potential issues.

  6. Server shutdown: If Wildfly is shut down while an application is still deploying, the application may be automatically undeployed.