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Here's an example of how to construct an array using a delimited text file:

  1. First, open the text file in your programming language. For example, in Python, you can use the open() function:
file = open("data.txt", "r")
  1. Next, you'll want to read the contents of the file into a string variable:
contents =
  1. Now that you have the contents of the file as a string, you can split it into an array using the delimiter.

For example, if the text file is a CSV file with commas as the delimiter, you can use the split() method:

data = contents.split(",")
  1. Finally, you may want to convert the data types of the array elements if needed. For example, if the file contains numbers as strings, you can convert them to integers or floats:
numbers = [int(n) for n in data]
  1. Close the file after you're done using it:

Now you should have an array (or list, depending on the programming language) containing the data from the delimited text file.