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There could be several reasons why gRPC streaming is not working properly when using Scala with Gatling. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Connection issues: There may be issues with the client-server connection, such as dropped packets or connectivity issues, which could be causing the issues with gRPC streaming.

  2. Incorrect configuration: The gRPC streaming configuration may be incorrect, leading to issues with message delivery, latency, or other problems. It is important to ensure that the configuration is properly set up and optimized for high-performance streaming.

  3. Incompatible versions: The versions of Scala and Gatling may not be compatible with the version of gRPC being used, or there could be compatibility issues between different libraries and dependencies.

  4. Code errors: Issues with the code itself could be causing the gRPC streaming problems, such as errors in message formatting, incorrect data types, or other issues related to the code implementation.

To troubleshoot the problem, it is important to review log files, error messages and examine the code carefully. It might also be beneficial to consult documentation, forums, or seek assistance from experienced developers to help identify and resolve the specific problem.