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To create a Cassandra image with required configurations, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Choose a base image: You need to choose a base image (such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.) that you want to use as the base for your Cassandra image.

  2. Install Cassandra: You need to install Cassandra on the base image. You can do this by following the official Apache Cassandra installation guide or use your system's package manager to install Cassandra.

  3. Configure Cassandra: Once Cassandra is installed, you need to configure Cassandra according to your requirements. You can modify the following settings:

  • Data directory: You can specify the location where Cassandra will store its data.
  • Seed nodes: You can specify the list of seed nodes for your Cassandra cluster.
  • Replication factor: You can specify the replication factor for your Cassandra cluster.
  • Snitch: You can specify the snitch to use for your Cassandra cluster.
  1. Create a Dockerfile: Once you have installed and configured Cassandra, you need to create a Dockerfile that includes all the necessary steps to create your Cassandra image, including installing Cassandra and configuring it.

  2. Build the image: Once you have created the Dockerfile, you can build the image using the Docker build command.

  3. Test the image: Once the image is built, you can test it by running it in a container and verifying that Cassandra is configured correctly.

  4. Push the image: Finally, you can push the image to a Docker registry (such as Docker Hub or AWS ECR) so that other team members can use it.