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The process of gathering data from a hashmap involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the key(s): A hashmap stores data in the form of key-value pairs. To retrieve data, we need to identify the key(s) associated with the content we are looking for.

  2. Retrieve the value: Once we have identified the key, we can retrieve the corresponding value from the hashmap. This is done using the 'get' method in most programming languages.

  3. Process the data: Once we have retrieved the value, we can process it in any way required. This could involve displaying it on the screen, storing it in a local variable, or passing it as an argument to a function.

  4. Repeat for multiple keys: If we need to gather data for multiple keys, we can repeat the process above for each key.

Overall, the process of gathering data from a hashmap involves identifying and retrieving the data associated with specific keys, and processing that data as needed.