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There are several possible reasons why Jupyter Notebook cells may not be visible in a Docker-based code-server environment, including:

  1. Incorrect configuration: It is possible that the Jupyter Notebook configuration is not set up correctly in the Docker container. Double-check the configuration settings to ensure that Jupyter Notebook is enabled and configured correctly.

  2. Browser compatibility issues: It is possible that there are compatibility issues between the browser being used to access the Jupyter Notebook and the Docker environment. Try using a different browser or updating the existing browser to see if this resolves the issue.

  3. Code-server version incompatibility: It is possible that the version of code-server being used is not compatible with the Jupyter Notebook. Check the code-server documentation for information on which versions of Jupyter Notebook are supported.

  4. Permissions issues: It is possible that there are permissions issues preventing the Jupyter Notebook cells from being displayed. Check the permissions on the Jupyter Notebook files and ensure that they are accessible to the code-server user.

  5. Network issues: It is possible that there are network issues preventing the Jupyter Notebook cells from being displayed. Check the network configuration of the Docker container and ensure that it is properly configured to allow access to the Jupyter Notebook.