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There can be multiple reasons why DockerPush fails when attempting to upload from Jenkins to Jfrog Docker Registry. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Authentication issues: Jenkins might not have the correct authentication credentials to access the Jfrog Docker Registry. Ensure that the correct credentials are provided in the Jenkins job configuration.
  2. Network connectivity issues: Network connectivity issues between Jenkins and the Jfrog Docker Registry might cause the DockerPush command to fail. Check if Jenkins can access the Jfrog Docker Registry URL and verify the firewall rules.
  3. Docker client configuration issues: Docker client configuration issues on the Jenkins server might cause the DockerPush command to fail. Ensure that the Docker daemon is running and that the Docker client configuration is correct.
  4. Registry configuration issues: Registry configuration issues might cause the DockerPush command to fail. Double-check if the JFrog Docker Registry is correctly set up and that it is configured to receive uploads.
  5. Disk space issues: If the Jenkins server is running out of disk space, the DockerPush command might fail due to insufficient space to store the Docker images. Verify the available disk space on the Jenkins server.