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One way to adjust ScrollViewReader when the keyboard appears to prevent it from shifting upwards is to use the .keyboardAware modifier from the Introspect library. This modifier allows the view to track changes in the keyboard's frame and adjust the ScrollViewReader accordingly.

First, import the Introspect library into your project:

import Introspect

Next, use the .keyboardAware modifier on your ScrollViewReader:

ScrollViewReader { proxy in
    VStack {
        // content of the ScrollView
    .keyboardAware { height, isVisible in
        if isVisible {
            // adjust the padding of the ScrollViewReader to account for the keyboard height
                .padding(.bottom, height)
        } else {
            // reset the padding of the ScrollViewReader when keyboard is dismissed
                .padding(.bottom, 0)

In the above code, the height parameter represents the height of the keyboard, and the isVisible parameter indicates whether the keyboard is currently visible or not. The padding of the ScrollViewReader is adjusted accordingly to prevent it from shifting upwards when the keyboard appears. The bottomOffset variable can be used to set the offset of the ScrollViewReader's content to the bottom of the view, to prevent the content from being obscured by the keyboard.