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The process of using the cmake command line to accomplish incremental compilation involves the following steps:

  1. Run the cmake command with the desired options and build type, such as:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
  1. This will generate the build files and build the project. For the incremental compilation, you need to specify that you want to build only the changed files since the last build, so you should add the --target flag followed by the target you want to build. For example:
cmake --build . --target mytarget
  1. If you make a change to a source file, you can then re-run the build command with the --target flag to build only the changed files:
cmake --build . --target mytarget
  1. This will only recompile the changed files, which can greatly speed up the build process, especially for large projects. You can repeat this process as many times as needed to build only the changed files.

Note: The --target flag can also be used with other options, such as --clean-first to clean the build directory before building or --parallel to enable parallel builds.