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Assuming you have a checkbox column (let's say it's column A) and the sheet names are in column B, you can use the following code:

import openpyxl

# Load the workbook
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('filename.xlsx')

# Select the active worksheet
ws =

# Create a list to store the sheet names to delete
sheets_to_delete = []

# Loop through the rows in reverse order (to avoid index errors when deleting rows)
for i in range(ws.max_row, 1, -1):
    # Check if the checkbox is checked
    checkbox = ws.cell(row=i, column=1).value
    if checkbox == True:
        # Get the sheet name and add it to the list of sheets to delete
        sheet_name = ws.cell(row=i, column=2).value
        # Delete the row

# Delete the sheets in the list
for sheet_name in sheets_to_delete:

# Save the workbook'filename.xlsx')

This code loops through the rows in reverse order, checking if the checkbox in column A is checked. If it is, it adds the sheet name in column B to the list of sheets to delete, and deletes the row. Finally, it loops through the list of sheet names and deletes each sheet.