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This could be due to a few different reasons, including:

  1. The code has been optimized or stripped during the build process, which can make it harder for the debugger to accurately jump to breakpoints.

  2. There may be a mismatch between the version of Xcode and the version of the operating system or SDK that you are using.

  3. The debugger may be encountering errors or exceptions that are preventing it from resolving the breakpoints.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check that the breakpoints are properly set and active.

  2. Reset the Simulator or device that you're using to run the app.

  3. Clean and rebuild the project.

  4. Verify that there are no issues with the code, such as syntax errors or missing imports.

  5. Check the Xcode and OS version compatibility.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to seek help from the Xcode community or Apple support.