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Here are the general steps for creating a pedometer application that incorporates a built-in step counter sensor and a reset button:

  1. Determine the programming language and platform that you will use to develop the application. You can use languages such as Java, Swift or Kotlin, and platforms such as Android or iOS.

  2. Research the step counter sensor capabilities of the platform you are using. The step counter feature uses accelerometer hardware to detect motion and count steps.

  3. Use the appropriate APIs to access the step counter data and integrate it into your application.

  4. Create a user interface that displays the step count information from the sensor.

  5. Add a reset button that clears the step count data and sets it back to zero.

  6. Test the application on various devices to ensure it works as expected.

  7. Add additional features or functionality as desired, such as tracking distance or calories burned.

  8. Publish the application to an app store or distribute it through other channels.

  9. Continuously monitor and improve the application based on feedback and user behavior.