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There could be several reasons why the data is not being plotted on the graph. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Check if the data is loaded properly: Make sure that the data is loaded correctly. You can check this by using console.log to log the data in the console.

  2. Check if the data type is correct: Make sure that the data type is correct. For example, if you are plotting numbers, make sure that the data is in numeric form.

  3. Check if the chart configuration is correct: Make sure that the chart configuration is correct. You can refer to the Chart.js documentation for the correct syntax and configuration options.

  4. Check if the chart container has the correct dimensions: Make sure that the chart container has the correct dimensions. The chart might not be visible if the container is too small.

  5. Check for any errors in the console: Check the console for any errors that might be causing the chart to not show up. These errors might indicate issues with the data or configuration of the chart.

  6. Verify that the Chart.js library is properly loaded: Sometimes, the Chart.js library might not be properly loaded or linked to your project, causing the chart to not show up. Make sure that the library is properly loaded and linked to your project.