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To dynamically generate JS classes as you iterate through an object, you can use the class keyword in a loop and the eval function to evaluate the code string.

Here's an example:

// The object to iterate through
const object = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,
  gender: 'male'

// Iterate through the object and generate classes
for (let key in object) {
  // Create the class string template
  const classString = `
    class ${key}Class {
      constructor() {
        this.${key} = ${object[key]};

  // Evaluate the class string

  // Create an instance of the class
  const obj = new eval(`${key}Class`)();

  // Test the instance
  console.log(obj[key]); // Output: John, 30, male

In this example, we iterate through the object and generate classes dynamically using the class keyword and the eval function. For each key in the object, we create a class string template that defines a constructor that sets the property value based on the object value.

We then evaluate the class string using the eval function, which creates a new class in memory. Finally, we create an instance of the class and test that it has the correct property value.