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To pass an array using TYPO3 Flexform XML and itemsProcConfig, first, define the form field for the array in the Flexform XML file. For example, to define a dropdown list field for an array of colors, use the following code:


Then, create a PHP class and method to handle the processing of the array items. This class and method should convert the array into a format that can be used in the dropdown list. Here is an example:

namespace Vendor\Extension\Hooks;

class FlexFormHooks
    public function processColorList(&$config)
        $colorArray = [
            'red' => 'Red',
            'blue' => 'Blue',
            'green' => 'Green'

        foreach ($colorArray as $value => $label) {
            $config[] = [$label, $value];

This method takes the form field configuration and sets it to the array items by looping through the array and adding the values and labels to the $config array.

Finally, in the TYPO3 extension, register the FlexForm Hooks class and method:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['formDataGroup']['tcaDatabaseRecord'][\Vendor\Extension\Domain\Model\MyModel::class]['before'][\Vendor\Extension\Hooks\FlexFormHooks::class] = [

With this, the FlexForm will be able to pass an array using itemsProcConfig.