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BitSet is not a standard package in Go, but it can be implemented using uint64 or uint32 data types and bit manipulation operations. Here is an example of how to implement a BitSet in Go:

type BitSet struct {
    bits []uint64

func NewBitSet(size int) *BitSet {
    if size < 1 {
        return nil
    return &BitSet{
        bits: make([]uint64, (size+63)/64),

func (bs *BitSet) Set(pos int) bool {
    if pos < 0 || pos >= len(bs.bits)*64 {
        return false
    index, offset := pos/64, pos%64
    bs.bits[index] |= (1 << uint(offset))
    return true

func (bs *BitSet) Clear(pos int) bool {
    if pos < 0 || pos >= len(bs.bits)*64 {
        return false
    index, offset := pos/64, pos%64
    bs.bits[index] &^= (1 << uint(offset))
    return true

func (bs *BitSet) Get(pos int) bool {
    if pos < 0 || pos >= len(bs.bits)*64 {
        return false
    index, offset := pos/64, pos%64
    return (bs.bits[index] & (1 << uint(offset))) != 0

This implementation uses a slice of uint64 to store the bits and provides three methods Set(), Clear(), and Get() that manipulate the bits at a given position. The NewBitSet() function creates a new BitSet with the given size. The Set() method sets the bit at the given position to 1, the Clear() method clears the bit, and the Get() method returns the value of the bit.