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Here is an example code in Python to create a dynamic array of 12 months based on the present month:

import datetime

# Get the current month and year
now =
current_month = now.month
current_year = now.year

# Initialize the array with empty strings
months = [""] * 12

# Fill in the array with the names of the months
for i in range(12):
    month = (current_month + i) % 12
    year_offset = (current_month + i - 1) // 12
    year = current_year + year_offset
    months[i] =, month, 1).strftime("%B")

# Print the array for testing


  1. Import the datetime module to work with dates.
  2. Use the now() function to get the current date and time.
  3. Extract the month and year from the current date using the month and year attributes.
  4. Initialize an array with 12 empty strings.
  5. Use a loop to fill in the array with the names of the months based on the current month.
  6. Calculate the offset month and year for each index of the array using modulus and floor division.
  7. Create a datetime object for each month using the date() function.
  8. Use the strftime() function to format the month name as a string.
  9. Print the array for testing.

This code will generate an array of 12 months starting from the current month and ending with the month which is 11 months ahead of the current month.