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In order to call a method in a custom view from a ViewModel, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Define a custom interface for the view in the ViewModel, with a method that you want to call from the ViewModel.

  2. Implement this interface in your custom view.

  3. In the ViewModel, create an instance of the custom view by passing the reference of the interface implementation to the constructor of the custom view.

  4. Now you can call the defined method in the interface from the ViewModel instance.


  1. Define the interface for the custom view:
interface MyCustomViewInterface {
   fun doSomething()
  1. Implement the interface in the custom view:
class MyCustomView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) :
   View(context, attrs), MyCustomViewInterface {

   override fun doSomething() {
      // Implementation of the method
  1. In the ViewModel, create an instance of the custom view by passing the interface reference to the constructor:
class MyViewModel(private val customViewInterface: MyCustomViewInterface){

   fun callMyViewMethod() {
  1. Now you can call the callMyViewMethod() method in the ViewModel, which in turn calls the doSomething() method in the custom view.