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To download an mp3 file with a bitrate of 320kbps using Pytube, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Pytube library: Use the following command to install Pytube library.
pip install pytube
  1. Import Pytube: After installing Pytube, import the library in your Python program using the following code.
from pytube import YouTube
  1. Create Pytube object: Create a Pytube object by passing the YouTube video URL for which you want to download the mp3 file.
YouTube_obj = YouTube('')
  1. Filter streams: Filter the streams available for the YouTube video object based on the file format and bitrate.
stream = YouTube_obj.streams.filter(only_audio=True, file_extension='mp4', abr='320kbps').first() 
  1. Download file: Now, download the filtered stream using the following code.'PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', filename='FILE_NAME.mp4')

The downloaded file will be in mp4 format, but you can easily convert it to mp3 using any third-party library or tool.