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There are a few ways to alter a custom loop function shape to resemble Swift more accurately, including:

  1. Use the for-in loop syntax: Swift's for-in loop syntax is different from many other programming languages, including JavaScript. To make your function more Swift-like, you can use the for-in loop syntax instead of a traditional for loop, like this:
func myFunction() {
    for item in myArray {
        // do something with each item
  1. Use type annotations: In Swift, it's common to use type annotations to make code more clear and readable. You can add type annotations to your function parameters and return types to make your function more Swift-like, like this:
func myFunction(numbers: [Int]) -> Int {
    var sum = 0
    for number in numbers {
        sum += number
    return sum
  1. Use optionals: Optionals are a key part of Swift's type system, and using them can help make your code more safe and expressive. You can use optionals in your function parameters and return types to handle cases where a value may be missing or not available, like this:
func myFunction(name: String?) -> String {
    if let validName = name {
        return "Hello, \(validName)!"
    } else {
        return "Hello, world!"

By incorporating these elements into your custom loop function shape, you can make it more in line with Swift's idioms and conventions, and help ensure that it works seamlessly with the rest of your Swift code.