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There are a few ways to resolve this error, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check your imports: Make sure that you have imported '@mui/icons-material/AddCircle' correctly in your code. If you have any typos or spelling errors, it can cause this error.

  2. Ensure that you have installed the correct package: Verify that '@mui/icons-material' is installed and is the correct version. You can check this by running npm list @mui/icons-material in your terminal.

  3. Clear the cache: Sometimes the cache can cause issues with the installation. Try clearing the cache by running npm cache clean --force in your terminal.

  4. Update dependencies: Ensure that all your dependencies are up to date. You can update them by running npm update in your terminal.

  5. Reinstall the package: If all else fails, try uninstalling and reinstalling '@mui/icons-material' package by running npm uninstall @mui/icons-material and then npm install @mui/icons-material.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, there may be something else going on, and you should consider seeking further assistance.