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Python can be used to organize files in a folder according to their date and time using the following steps:

  1. Import the required libraries: import os import shutil

  2. Set the folder path where files are to be organized: folderpath = 'pathto_folder'

  3. List all files in the folder and their corresponding date and time: files = os.listdir(folderpath) fileswithtime = [(f, os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(folderpath,f))) for f in files]

  4. Sort files based on their date and time: sortedfiles = sorted(fileswith_time, key=lambda x: x[1])

  5. Create a new folder to store the sorted files: newfolder = os.path.join(folderpath, 'sortedfiles') os.makedirs(newfolder)

  6. Move files to newfolder: for file in sortedfiles: originalpath = os.path.join(folderpath, file[0]) newpath = os.path.join(newfolder, file[0]) shutil.move(originalpath, newpath)

After completing these steps, all files in the folder will be sorted based on their date and time and moved to the newly created 'sorted_files' folder.