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Yes, it is possible for OptionParser to ignore any unknown options and handle them in a Ruby program at a later time. This can be done by specifying the ignore_invalid_options option when creating the OptionParser instance. This will cause the parser to ignore any options that it doesn't recognize and store them in the non_options array. These options can then be processed by the Ruby program using the non_options array. Here's an example:

require 'optparse'

options = {} do |opts|
  opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", "Specify file to use") do |file|
    options[:file] = file

  # Ignore any unknown options
  opts.ignore_invalid_options = true

puts "File specified: #{options[:file]}"
puts "Unknown options: #{ARGV}"

# Handle unknown options here

In this example, the ignore_invalid_options option is set to true, indicating that the parser should ignore any unknown options. The non_options array can be accessed using the ARGV constant, which contains any arguments that were not parsed as options.