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There are several steps that can be taken to verify the handling of command line arguments:

  1. Write test cases: Develop a list of test cases that cover all possible scenarios. This includes valid argument inputs and invalid argument inputs.

  2. Test with different values: Test the program with different values of command line arguments. This includes testing with empty arguments, arguments with special characters, arguments with spaces, etc.

  3. Testing with edge cases: Test the program with very long arguments, very short arguments, or with arguments that might cause overflow of memory.

  4. Test with negative scenarios: Ensure that the program is able to handle negative scenarios. This includes testing with different types of invalid input and error handling.

  5. Verify the output: Verify that the output generated by the program is correct for each input argument.

  6. Review code: Conduct a code review to ensure that the code is clean and well-structured.

  7. Use automated testing tools: Implement automated testing tools to validate the handling of command line arguments.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the program handles command line arguments in a robust and secure manner.