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The process of reducing the size of Node.js code using webpack and generating a bundle that only uses import statements involves the following steps:

  1. Install webpack: First, you need to install webpack globally or locally depending on your preference. You can do this by running the command 'npm install webpack -g' to install it globally or 'npm install webpack --save-dev' to install it locally.

  2. Create a webpack configuration file: After installing webpack, you need to create a webpack configuration file that will specify how to bundle your code. This file is usually called 'webpack.config.js' and should be placed in the root directory of your project.

  3. Specify the entry and output points: In the webpack configuration file, you need to specify the entry point of your script and the output location of the bundled file. You do this by setting the 'entry' and 'output' properties respectively.

  4. Set the mode: Next, you need to set the mode to either 'development' or 'production' depending on the environment you are working in. If you are working in a production environment, set it to 'production' to enable minification.

  5. Add loaders for file types: If your script uses file types like CSS, images, or fonts, you need to add loaders for those file types to your webpack configuration file. Loaders are used to transpile, preprocess or transform files before they are bundled.

  6. Use plugins: You may want to use plugins to extend the functionality of webpack. For example, you can use the 'UglifyJsPlugin' to minify your code or 'HtmlWebpackPlugin' to generate an HTML file that links to the bundled JavaScript.

  7. Build the bundle: With the webpack configuration file configured, run the command 'webpack' to build your bundle. This will generate a bundled file with only import statements that you can include in your Node.js application.

By following these steps, you can effectively reduce the size of your Node.js code using webpack and generate a bundle that only uses import statements.