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One way to randomly combine stimuli from two different loops in OpenSesame is to use Python code.

First, define the two loops and their corresponding variables:

loop1 = items1 # first loop
loop2 = items2 # second loop
n_trials = len(loop1) # number of trials in each loop

Then, use the random module to randomly select a trial from each loop and concatenate them:

import random

combined_items = [] # list to store combined items

for i in range(n_trials):
   item1 = loop1[random.randint(0, n_trials - 1)] # randomly select a trial from loop1
   item2 = loop2[random.randint(0, n_trials - 1)] # randomly select a trial from loop2
   combined_items.append(item1 + item2) # concatenate the stimuli and add to the list

Finally, create a new loop using the combined_items list:

combined_loop = [[i] for i in combined_items] # convert the list into format suitable for a loop