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To reference media element events located on a ContentView from a ContentPage XAML CS class, you can declare the media element as a public property in the ContentView. Then, you can access the media element from the ContentPage by getting a reference to the ContentView and accessing its public property.

For example, in the ContentView XAML:

   <MediaElement x:Name="myMediaElement" />

In the ContentView CS class:

public partial class MyContentView : ContentView
   public MediaElement MyMediaElement => myMediaElement;

In the ContentPage XAML:

   <local:MyContentView x:Name="myContentView" />

In the ContentPage CS class:

public partial class MyContentPage : ContentPage
   private MyContentView _myContentView;

   public MyContentPage()
      _myContentView = myContentView;
      _myContentView.MyMediaElement.MediaEnded += OnMediaEnded;

   private void OnMediaEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Media element ended event handler

This way, you can access the media element events located on a ContentView from a ContentPage XAML CS class.