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There could be several reasons why the auto suggestion and auto complete features on Android Studio are malfunctioning:

  1. Corrupted cache: The cache stores frequently used data to help speed up operations within an application. If the cache becomes corrupted, it could result in the auto suggestion and auto complete features malfunctioning.

  2. Outdated version of Android Studio: An outdated version of Android Studio may not be compatible with the latest version of the Android SDK, causing it to malfunction.

  3. Insufficient memory: Android Studio requires a significant amount of memory to run smoothly. If your computer doesn't meet the minimum memory requirements, the auto suggestion and auto complete features may malfunction.

  4. Incorrect settings: Sometimes, the auto suggestion and auto complete features may malfunction due to incorrect settings. For example, if the wrong language is selected or a wrong version of Android SDK is being used.

  5. Bugs and glitches: Occasionally, the auto suggestion and auto complete features may malfunction due to bugs and glitches within the application itself. In such cases, updating to the latest version or uninstalling and reinstalling the application may resolve the issue.