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To deploy the Remix App to the Lambda Function on AWS, you can follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Create a new Lambda Function on AWS by logging into the AWS Console and navigating to the Lambda section.
  2. Choose a runtime environment for your Lambda Function, ideally Node.js since the Remix App is written in JavaScript.
  3. Upload your Remix App code to the Lambda Function by selecting the "Upload from .zip" option in the "Function code" section.
  4. Configure the Lambda Function settings based on your app's requirements, such as the memory allocation and timeout settings.
  5. Add any necessary environment variables that your app requires to function properly.
  6. Test your Lambda Function to ensure that it is working as expected.
  7. Once you are satisfied with the deployment, you can save and publish your Lambda Function to make it available to users.

Note that deploying the Remix App to Lambda will require modifications to the code to work with serverless environments, such as replacing calls to local file systems with calls to AWS Lambda APIs or other cloud storage systems.