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To verify if a pull request is synchronized with the target branch, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the pull request page.
  2. Look for the message that says "This branch is X commits ahead, Y commits behind [targetbranchname]."
  3. If X is 0 and Y is 0, then the pull request is synchronized with the target branch.
  4. If X is greater than 0, then there are some commits on the pull request branch that are not on the target branch.
  5. If Y is greater than 0, then there are some commits on the target branch that are not on the pull request branch.
  6. If both X and Y are greater than 0, then there are some commits on both branches that are not on the other branch.

To synchronize the pull request with the target branch, you can merge the target branch into the pull request branch or rebase the pull request branch onto the target branch. After synchronizing, re-run any necessary tests and ensure that the changes work as expected before merging the pull request.