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When handling a TypeError while parsing a REST API response in Python, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Check the type of the response object to ensure that it is what you expect it to be. For example, if you are expecting a dictionary object, make sure that the response is not a list or a string.

  2. Check the response content to ensure that it is valid JSON. Sometimes, an invalid JSON response can cause a TypeError when parsing the response.

  3. Use a try-except block to catch the TypeError and handle it appropriately. You can print an error message to the console, log the error to a file, or return a default value instead of the parsed data.

Here is an example of handling a TypeError while parsing a JSON response:

import json
import requests

response = requests.get('')
    parsed_data = json.loads(response.content)
except TypeError as e:
    print(f'Error parsing response: {e}')
    parsed_data = []

In this example, we are trying to parse the response from the JSONPlaceholder API using the json.loads() function. If a TypeError occurs, we catch it and print an error message to the console. We then return an empty list as the parsed data.