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In Symfony 6, asset URLs can be rewritten by using the "asset" function in Twig templates. This function generates a URL for a given asset, based on its path and the configured asset base URL or CDN.

For example, to rewrite an asset URL for a CSS file named "styles.css" located in the "public/css" directory, the following code can be used in a Twig template:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/styles.css') }}">

If the configured asset base URL is "", the generated URL for the above asset will be "".

The "asset" function can also take additional optional arguments to customize the generated URL, such as "package" (to specify the asset package) and "version" (to append a version number to the URL).

In addition to using the "asset" function in Twig templates, asset URLs can also be rewritten by configuring asset bundles and defining their asset URLs in the "config/packages/framework.yaml" configuration file.