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The procedure for transferring files from a microcontroller connected NAND Flash to a PC involves the following steps:

  1. Connect the NAND Flash chip to the microcontroller and ensure that it is working properly.

  2. Write a program in the microcontroller that reads the data from the NAND Flash and sends it over a communication interface (e.g. UART, USB).

  3. Connect the microcontroller to the PC using the chosen communication interface.

  4. Install the necessary device drivers and software on the PC for communicating with the microcontroller.

  5. Run the software on the PC that communicates with the microcontroller to initiate the file transfer.

  6. The microcontroller reads the data from the NAND Flash and sends it to the software on the PC.

  7. The software on the PC receives the data and saves it to a file on the hard disk.

  8. The file transfer is complete.

Note: The specific steps and software used in the transfer process may vary depending on the microcontroller and communication interface being used. Additionally, file system protocols and formatting requirements of NAND Flash can also be an important factor in the process.