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There are several issues related to the mutation observer's inability to detect children and nodes remaining unchanged:

  1. Incomplete detection of changes: If the mutation observer cannot detect changes in child nodes, it may miss important changes that occur within these nodes. This can lead to incomplete detection of changes in the DOM.

  2. Performance issues: The mutation observer may consume more resources than necessary if it has to continuously scan the entire DOM for changes, even when some nodes have remained unchanged. This can lead to performance issues, particularly on larger pages with more complex DOM structures.

  3. Inaccuracy of detected changes: When the mutation observer cannot detect changes in child nodes, it may mistakenly report changes in parent nodes that are actually the result of changes in the child nodes. This can lead to inaccurate reporting of changes in the DOM, making it difficult to determine the root cause of the issue.

  4. Increased complexity of implementation: When the mutation observer is unable to detect changes in child nodes, developers may need to use additional techniques or libraries to detect these changes. This can increase the complexity of the implementation and make it more difficult to maintain over time.