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There could be several reasons why sending an email with an attachment using Java in Android is not working. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the email address and password are correct. Make sure that you are using the correct email address and password for the account you are trying to send the email from.

  2. Check if the attachment file exists. Verify that the file you are trying to attach actually exists in the specified location on your device.

  3. Check the file size limit. Some email services have a file size limit for attachments. Ensure that the file size of the attachment does not exceed this limit.

  4. Use MIME types. Set the correct MIME type for the attached file. If the MIME type is not set, the email client may not be able to handle the attachment properly.

  5. Check if the email application is set up correctly. Ensure that your email application is correctly set up and authorized to send emails. Verify that the email service provider and port settings are correctly configured.

  6. Check for runtime errors. Run the code with debugging enabled and look for any runtime errors that may be occurring.

  7. Try a different approach. If none of the above steps work, consider using a different approach to send emails with attachments, such as using a third-party library or API.