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The method to utilize SikuliX IDE to read screen text that is displayed as an image is as follows:

  1. Open SikuliX IDE and create a new script.
  2. Use the "Region" class to capture the part of the screen where the text is displayed as an image.
  3. Use the "text()" method to extract the text from the captured image.
  4. Store the extracted text in a variable for further use.

Here is an example code snippet:

# Import the necessary classes
from sikuli import *

# Capture the part of the screen where the text is displayed as an image
region = Region(100, 100, 200, 50)

# Extract the text from the captured image
text = region.text()

# Print the extracted text

The above code captures an area on the screen starting from the point (100, 100) and spanning 200 pixels horizontally and 50 pixels vertically. The text() method extracts the text from the captured image and stores it in the variable text. Finally, the code prints the extracted text.