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The steps to perform data insertion, updating, and deletion using WinForm and a SQL database are:

  1. Create a WinForm application.
  2. Add a SQL database to the project by right-clicking on the project name and selecting "Add New Item" > "Data" > "Service-based Database".
  3. Create a table in the SQL database to store the data.
  4. Connect the WinForm application to the SQL database by adding a connection string to the App.config file.
  5. Create a form that allows users to input data into the WinForm application.
  6. In the WinForm application, create a class to handle communication with the SQL database, including methods for inserting, updating, and deleting data.
  7. In the WinForm application, call the methods created in step 6 to interact with the SQL database to insert, update, or delete data based on user input.
  8. Test the application to ensure that data is being inserted, updated, and deleted correctly.