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Vue CDN (Content Delivery Network) and CLI (Command Line Interface) have different approaches to build and use Vue applications:

  1. Vue CDN is a quick and easy way to get started with Vue, it allows developers to add Vue to their HTML files directly by including the Vue script tag. The CDN loads Vue from a remote server and it requires no setup or configuration. It's the best fit for small-scale projects or prototyping.

  2. Vue CLI provides a command line interface to create, configure, develop and publish Vue applications. Complex projects usually require a lot more organization, structure and feature support than basic projects. The CLI provides many features such as automating project scaffolding, providing efficient development tools, testing tools, progressive loading, and much more. It's the best fit for large-scale projects or enterprise applications.

In summary, the main differences between Vue CDN and CLI are speed and complexity. If you want to start quickly with Vue, use CDN. If you need more organization or scalability in your project, use the CLI.